To solve the big stuff, every brand must actively take a stand.

Rob Thoburn
1 min readNov 5, 2020

There’s no such thing as a “no-stand” brand.

Everyone has a political leaning. (To be “apolitical” is a leaning.)

Every message has an agenda. (Without one, there’d be nothing to shape or mold it.)

And every brand takes a stand, whether it does so actively or passively.

To put it in Colin Kaepernick terms, if you decide not to kneel while others do so, then you’re taking a stand, literally and figuratively. Which is to say, there’s no such thing as a “no-stand” (or “standless”) brand.

The world needs your brand to take an active stand.

When it comes to solving the big problems like the climate crisis, racism, wealth inequality and pandemics, passive stands won’t cut it, whether it’s at the level of the individual, nation or brand.

Which is to say, the world needs your brand to take an active stand.


  1. Tell consumers know what you care about and how you’re actively part of the solution.
  2. Ensure your actions are at all times consistent with your words.
  3. Always be transparent. Remember, #FictionIsFriction. Be an #AboveBoardBrand.



Rob Thoburn

Executive-level brand strategist with a passion for deconstructing and reframing complex ideas.